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Tables Tops

In cooperation with Devins Design, Saint Valery has realized several high value tables that with their particular characteristics can be defined more as real works of art as a mere marble processings. Highly defined in each minimum detail, these masterpieces aim to satisfy high-level-customers with the intent to achieve elegant and selected interior design.

Glass-tabletop PDF Print E-mail

Material: glass

Structure: shiny steel

Measurements: 250 x 100 cm

Thickness: 2,5 cm

Round white tabletop PDF Print E-mail

Material: Bianco Carrara

Structure: chromium-plated steel

Measurements: diameter 140 cm

Thickness: 4 cm

Movable rectangular table PDF Print E-mail

Material: Bianco Lasa Vena d’Oro

Double possibility of movement

Measurements: 212 x 92 cm

Thickness: 10 cm

Rectangular table 1 PDF Print E-mail

Material: Black Fossil marble

Structure: chromium-plated steel

Measurements: 230 x 90 cm

Thickness: 4 cm

Rectangular table PDF Print E-mail

Material: Nero Portoro Superextra Vena d’Oro

Structure: gold-plated steel

Measurements: 140 x 70 cm

Thickness: 4 cm

Round black table PDF Print E-mail

Material: Nero Portoro Superextra Vena d’Oro

Structure: gold-plated steel

Measurements: diameter 140 cm

Thickness: 4 cm


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